- Curriculum Sequence
- Course Descriptions
- Policies & Procedures
- Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement
- Evaluation Requirements for SPT鈥檚 during Full Time Internships
- Definitions of Performance Dimensions and Rating Scale Anchors (CPI web)
- APTA PT CPI Training Quick Guide
Physical Therapy Faculty and Staff Contact Information
Physical Therapy Faculty & Staff
Clinical Education
Thank you for your commitment to 麻豆破解传媒 Physical Therapy!
The Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum includes nine semesters of coursework and clinical experiences distributed over 30 months. Most classes meet during the day, Monday through Thursday. Campus-wide activities are centralized in our modern, state-of-the-art, St. Ignatius Science Center, where primary instruction takes place within 6,000 square feet of modern labs and classrooms. The cornerstone of our program is the 麻豆破解传媒 mission of Learning, Leadership and Service, a philosophy that underscores, inspires and enriches all that we do.
Our curriculum enhances skills in:
- Decision making
- Communicating
- Critical thinking
- Planning
- Evaluating
- Overall excellence
Clinical Education Philosophy
Clinical education is an integral part of the professional curriculum. Through interactions with knowledgeable clinical faculty and carefully designed, goal-oriented educational experiences, students will integrate and apply their knowledge, professional behavior, and communication, technical, problem-solving and decision-making skills to develop into competent general practitioners.
Professional Behavior
Physical Therapy is a human service profession. One of its central tenets is the value of human dignity. This value is reflected in conduct which demonstrates sensitivity to the physical and psychological well being of others and honesty in all endeavors. Specific actions supporting these values include maintenance of confidentiality and honesty concerning personal, academic, and medical information, provisions for the physical safety of others, and the demonstration of respect for the psychological welfare of others.
The 麻豆破解传媒 Department of Physical Therapy Education is committed to the development of highly qualified physical therapists. The primary focus is on preparing students to provide prevention, education, examination, and intervention to persons whose abilities are threatened or impaired by developmental deficits, aging, physical illness, or injury.
Our graduates are prepared to examine and evaluate, arrive at a physical therapy diagnosis and prognosis, and provide intervention and risk reduction strategies for clients of all ages and abilities. Additionally, our graduates are active in the promotion of health and wellness for the general population.
Emphasizing and integrating critical thinking, problem solving, and ethical behavior throughout the curriculum, the 麻豆破解传媒 Physical Therapy Education Program culminates in the student鈥檚 ability to clinically reason in a complex and ever-changing health care environment.
Our program is distinctive for its Jesuit liberal arts perspective, close faculty-student interaction, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Students are given opportunities to work closely with faculty on research projects, access state-of-the-art technology, and learn from clinical experiences at sites located across the country.
PT 7715: Clinical Education I (5 weeks)
Nov-Dec, 2nd year of study
PT 7815: Clinical Education II (10 weeks)
Apr-June, 3rd year of study
PT 8815: Clinical Education III (10 weeks)
June-Aug, 3rd year of study
PT 8915: Clinical Education IV (9 weeks)
Aug-Oct, 3rd year of study
Curriculum Sequence
Course Descriptions
Performance-related Categories
Student clinical experiences will be rated based on the following performance-related categories:
Professionalism 鈥 Not dependent on the level of supervision or caseload
- Ethical Practice
- Legal Practice
- Professional Growth
- Communication
- Inclusivity (NEW!)
- Technical/Procedural
Clinical Reasoning
- Examination, Evaluation and Diagnosis
- Plan of Care and Case Management
- Intervention and Education
- Documentation
- Financial Management/Fiscal REsponsibility
- Guiding and Coordinating Support Staff
Policies & Procedures
Students in the Physical Therapy Program are expected to exhibit conduct which gives evidence of commitment to fulfilling professional responsibilities and continued professional growth. Such evidence may be seen in such behaviors as:
- Adhering to policies of the University, school, department and affiliating institution
- Adhering to policies and procedures pertaining to attendance and administrative concerns
- Wearing appropriate attire
- Correcting problems that interfere with clinical performance
- Setting priorities within the clinical setting
- Recognizing basic differences between self and others and the impact of these differences on interpersonal interactions
- Realizing personal strengths and limitations.
To facilitate development of this conduct, the Department of Physical Therapy Education has created a number of policies and procedures which must be followed. Policies and procedures are broken down into the following numbered categories:
- CE 1.XX - Administrative and Core Faculty
- CE 2.XX - Site and Clinical Education Faculty
- CE 3.XX - Student Policies
Listing of all policies and procedures:
- CE 1.01 Contracts with Clinical Education Sites
- CE 1.02 Storage and Access of Electronic Documents for Clinical Education
- CE 1.03 Identification of Student Performance Deficits and Unsafe Practices to Determine the Student's Readiness to Engage in Clinical Education
- CE 1.04 Preserving Dignity and Safety of All Persons
- CE 1.05 Faculty Advisor Communication with 2nd Year DPT students and Clinical Instructors During Full-Time Internships
- CE 1.06 Clinical Education Committee
- CE 2.01 Cancellation of Clinical Internships
- CE 2.02 Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Travel Days
- CE 2.03 Reporting the Results of Full-Time Clinical Internships
- CE 2.04 Students Experiencing Difficulties During Clinical Internships
- CE 2.05 Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities of Clinical Instructors
- CE 2.06 Communication with Clinical Educators
- CE 2.07 Site Concerns Related to Non-Academic Issues
- CE 2.08 Assessment of Clinical Education Sites and Clinical Educators
- CE 3.01 Assignment of Clinical Internships
- CE 3.02 Confidentiality Of Patient/Client Information
- CE 3.03 Evaluation of Student Performance During Clinical Internship
- CE 3.04 Policy on Student Injury/Illness
- CE 3.05 Professional Behavior in Clinical Education
- CE 3.06 Use of Technology and Social Media During Clinical Placement
- CE 3.07 Student Clinical Education Performance Expectations
- CE 3.08 Student Failure of a Clinical Internship
- CE 3.19 Student Prerequisites Prior to Participating in Clinical Education
- CE 3.10 Student Requirements After Failure of a Full-Time Clinical Internship
- HHS Request for Reinstatement Following Dismissal from HHS Graduate Program
- HHS Review of Final Grade/ Review of Behavioral Dismissal
- PT Department of Physical Therapy Education Grievance Policy
Policy Title: Contracts with Clinical Education Sites
Policy #: CE 1.01
Originated: 01/2000
Revised: 02/2014
Cross Ref. #: CAPTE F-14
Reviewed: 10/2015
麻豆破解传媒 Department of Physical Therapy Education enters into contracts with all clinical sites that provide full time clinical internships to 麻豆破解传媒 DPT students. 麻豆破解传媒 establishes contracts with clinical sites across the country on an ongoing basis. These contracts provide information on the responsibility each party holds related to clinical internship experiences for the student enrolled in the 麻豆破解传媒 Physical Therapy program while assigned at that site.
- New sites:
- Both parties will sign a contract prior to a student being sent to a specific facility.
- The contract will be agreed upon by both parties. (see appendix A for 麻豆破解传媒 standard renewable contract)
- Both parties will keep a fully signed copy of the contract.
- The date the contract is signed will be entered into the clinical database maintained by the Secretary for Clinical Education at 麻豆破解传媒
- Current sites: If the site has been used for student placement in the past and a contract exists:
- Contract will be reviewed prior to clinical internships to ensure it is current and up to date.
- The Secretary for Clinical Education will initiate renewal of contract if necessary.
- Maintenance of Contracts: All original contracts will be stored in the clinical education hard files. Electronic copies of the current contracts will be stored in the PT Clinical Education electronic site files.
- Tracking of contracts: The most current dates of contract signatures will be entered into clinical site database. Sites with students assigned for the current year will have current contracts
Policy Title: Storage and Access of Electronic Documents for Clinical Education
Policy #: CE 1.02
Originated: 10/2/2013
Revised: 5/2015
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
The Clinical Education Team will store and dispose of all documents related to clinical education in an organized system compliant with 麻豆破解传媒, Department of Physical Therapy Education, and American Physical Therapist Association guidelines.
- Clinical Education uses document storage systems and locations as follows:
- Sharepoint\GPSCE\PT Clinical Education houses all working documents and files for current students, sites, and clinical placements of a non-confidential nature. Persons Allowed Access: Department Chair for PT, ACCE, Assistant ACCE, Secretary for Clinical Education, Work Study Students (with signed confidentiality form)
- Sharepoint\GPSCE\PT Clinical Education houses all working documents and files for current students, sites, and clinical placements of a confidential nature. Persons Allowed Access: Department Chair for PT, ACCE, Assistant ACCE, Secretary for Clinical Education
- P:\\Clinical Education houses all archived, historical, and assessment documents for clinical education. Documents pertaining to students will be archived to P:\\Clinical Education from Sharepoint the May follow ing their graduation (i.e. Class of 2012 documents will be archived in May 2013). Persons Allowed Access: Department Chair for PT, ACCE, Assistant ACCE, Secretary for Clinical Education, Department Faculty
- PT Student Website site houses information, forms, and policies pertaining to the student clinical experience. Persons Allowed Access: Department Chair for PT, ACCE, Assistant ACCE, Secretary for Clinical Education, Department Faculty, All DPT Students
- PT Google Docs houses all surveys for students and clinical instructors. Persons Allowed Access: Department Chair for PT, ACCE, Assistant ACCE, Secretary for Clinical Education
- Documents can be provided to departmental committees by request to the ACCE or Secretary for Clinical Education.
- Documents should adhere as closely as possible to the standard naming guideline as follows: Document Pertaining to Student: Class of XXXX 鈥 CE X 鈥 Name of Document
- Example: Class of 2012 鈥 CE II 鈥 Assignments by Student Last Name
- Document Pertaining to Site: Site Name 鈥 CE X or Year鈥 Name of Document
- Example: Menorah Medical Center 鈥 CE II 鈥 Student Feedback
- Example: Menorah Medical Center 鈥 2014 鈥 Student Assignments
- Documents should adhere as closely as possible to the standard naming guideline as follows: Document Pertaining to Student: Class of XXXX 鈥 CE X 鈥 Name of Document
Policy Title: Identification of Student Performance Deficits and Unsafe Practices to Determine the Student's Readiness to Engage in Clinical Education
Policy #: CE 1.03
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 7/2015
Faculty will identify any students who demonstrate unsafe behaviors in a practical testing situation and make sure the problem with unsafe practice is resolved and/or remediated prior to the student being allowed to participate in clinical education. It is critical for core faculty to identify students with unsafe practices at multiple points across the curriculum in order to determine the student's readiness to participate in clinical education
- Faculty will discuss students with identified unsafe behaviors in faculty meeting as needed.
- Core faculty will be responsible for informing the clinical education team when unsafe behaviors are noted during practical examinations.
- All students will be reviewed in a fall faculty meeting to confirm they are safe to proceed to their first full-time internship.
- If it is determined that a given student is unsafe to proceed into full-time clinical education, a remediation plan will be implemented and the full-time clinical internship will be rescheduled after remediation is completed.
- This may delay the student's ability to complete required coursework along the normal timeline and may also delay the student's completion of the physical therapy program at 麻豆破解传媒.
Policy Title: Preserving Dignity and Safety of All Persons
Policy #: PEC1.17/CE 1.04
Originated: 9/2014
Revised: Cross Ref. #: P-12
Reviewed: 1/2015
The Department of Physical Therapy Education will maintain the dignity and safety of persons (all students, faculty, and all participants in learning experiences including demonstrations, laboratory experiences, and clinical practice) and the confidentiality of records of such activities.
- This policy will be explained and shared with all students.
- Students will be required to sign a Confidentiality Statement to acknowledge their adherence to this policy.
- All individuals including students will be informed of the description of the activity as well as possible risks associated with participation in laboratory, research or clinical practice activities prior to the experience being initiated.
- All individuals including students will grant voluntary informed consent prior to participating in any kind of laboratory, research or clinical experience.
- All individuals involved in laboratory experience, research activity, or clinical practice will have the right to refuse to participate at any time in the experience/activity/practice.
- All records related to research involving human subjects and lab experiences will be kept in a secure file cabinet in either a locked office and/or locked cabinet or in a password protected site in the Department of Physical Therapy Education.
- Information may be released by individuals for educational purposes. Formal signed consent must be obtained and kept on file for each individual willing to have their records shared to the extent outlined on their consent form. Signed consent forms will be given to the individual and a copy will be maintained by the faculty members who intend to use released information in their classes.
- Records will be stored for 5 years, and then destroyed.
Policy Title: Faculty Advisor Communication with 2nd year DPT students and Clinical instructors during full-time internships
Policy #: CE 1.05
Originated: Oct 2012
Revised: Jan 2015
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: Jan 2015
Faculty Advisors will communicate with their student advisees and assigned Clinical Instructor during PT 7972: Clinical Education II, full-time internship which occurs during fall semester, 2nd year.
- Faculty advisors communicate to their advisees that they will be contacting them and their CI at least one time during the three-week fall clinical.
- Faculty to request student confirm CI鈥檚 name/site/schedule/contact info for CI (they have to give this info to ACCE)鈥攁dvisee should send to you simultaneously
- Faculty to make contact with CI first week of the internship (week 1 of 3-week internship) introduce self and process via email. Ask CI for preferred mode of communication phone vs. email, if you want to offer to do site visit, this is optional/not required.
- Suggest a few days/times to speak with CI and student at/about midterm (middle to end of week 2). Most clinical instructors would like to speak with you over the lunch hour or at the end of the day. Most calls should last no more than 20 minutes for each party (total of 45 minutes)
- Faculty to confirm telephone conference time or on-site visit, and number to call with CI. Try to gather information about the internship from the student and CI after the 1st week of the internship.
- Complete related form and save documentation from phone call or visit as a Microsoft Word file-Label file using the following format
- Student last name___CE II_Midterm report_Date_your initials
- Upload document P:\Clinical Education\Class of 201X\Phone Calls_site visit documentation CE II
- Secretary for Clinical Education to document phone calls or visits in PTEM and generate report.
- Alert ACCE via email within 24 hours of completing phone call if the CI and/or student indicate any concerns. Include documentation of conversation in the update to ACCE.
- If CI鈥檚 have questions about CPI Web evaluation, forward questions to ACCE.
Policy Title: Clinical Education Committee
Policy #: CE 1.06
Originated: August 2012
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: July 2015
To discuss and coordinate student clinical internship placements, provide support for student health requirements, assist clinical faculty with ongoing education and support, and to review student progress and assist students and clinical partners as needed when issues arise with students鈥 progress.
- Standing committee members will consist of Academic Coordinator for Clinical Education (ACCE), Assistant Academic Coordinator for Clinical Education (AACCE), and Clinical Education Administrator (CEA). Additional input will be requested and included as needed from members of the core faculty, clinical faculty and student representatives.
- Committee will convene at least 2x/month throughout the year for scheduled meeting. Additional Ad hoc meetings will be called if needed. In addition, committee members will communicate by phone/emails as needed. Standing members of the committee will communicate as needed via phone, email and text to address any clinical education issues.
- Minutes of meetings are recorded by the secretary for clinical education and stored in \\Joseph\PT Clinical Education\Clinical Education\Clin Ed Internal Planning Meeting Minutes\Academic Year YYYY-YYYY. Additionally, ACCE generates an email with comprehensive information for follow up and distributes to standing committee members after each meeting.
- Review and revise policies related to clinical education.
- Establish contact with existing clinical partners and secure internships for upcoming academic years.
- Discuss clinical internships for DPT students.
- Explore urgent placement options in the event of cancelations by site or termination of student internship due to performance.
- Review and assist students with progress when performance does not meet establish RU DPT curriculum standards and/or clinical partner identifies below standard student performance.
- Establish and plan for new internship sites/clinical partnerships.
- Assist students with obtaining, recording and sharing all needed requirements at facility.
- Establish and maintain supportive relationship with clinical facility including offering professional development for clinical educators.
- Maintain a database of all relevant information related to students and clinical partners
- Assess clinical education program and faculty to determine areas in need of improvement.
Policy Title: Cancellation of Clinical Internships
Policy #: CE 2.01
Cross Ref. #: CAPTE F13, CAPTE F 15
Reviewed: 7/2015
Students are not permitted to cancel or end a clinical internship experience prior to its completion. The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education must approve any changes in clinical education scheduling or content. The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) may cancel or discontinue a fieldwork experience if sufficient reason exists.
- Facilities may cancel internships at any time for a variety of reasons, but attempt to give the Clinical Education team as much notice as possible.
- If a facility cancels a clinical assignment, the ACCE will assign the student to another facility based on the availability of the site to provide the appropriate type of experience.
- A clinical internship experience will only be canceled or rescheduled under extenuating circumstances. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, the following situations:
- Student鈥檚 serious illness or accident
- Serious illness, accident, or death in the family
- Circumstances on the part of the facility precluding experience
- Significant difficulties by the student at a facility such that the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education determines the student will not be able to meet the course objectives
- All canceled or prematurely ended clinical education experiences must be rescheduled and completed in entirety. Cancellations and/or interruptions in the clinical internship may require the student to complete clinical internships during scheduled breaks and/or after the conclusion of the traditional schedule of coursework for the program.
Policy Title: Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Travel Days
Policy #: CE 2.02
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students are expected to comply with all attendance policies set forth for their clinical education course by this policy and any additional requirements presented by the specific clinical site.
- Absences
- Excused absences are those absences that should be arranged prior to the event with the clinical instructor (CI) of the clinical facility, or an illness of which the clinical instructor is notified by 8:00 a.m. Emergency situations are handled on an individual basis.
- Unexcused absences are those absences in which the student has failed to notify his/her clinical supervisor of illness by 8:00 a.m., or has failed to obtain permission from the supervisor prior to an absence. i. Any unexcused absence must be reported to the Clinical Education Team immediately. Ii. All unexcused absences must be made up.
- If a student is absent (excused) for three consecutive days or more due to illness, he/she must provide written assurance from a physician that he/she is capable of returning to assigned duties. A copy must be furnished to the CI and to the Clinical Education Team.
- If a student is absent (unexcused) for three consecutive days and does not report in for three or more days, it will be assumed that the student has voluntarily removed him or herself from the program and will be dismissed. The student will be notified of this in writing and may appeal.
- Parents with sick children should make every attempt to find childcare before deciding to take an absence. The student must notify his/her clinical instructor by 8:00 a.m. Reported absences due to sick children will be considered excused and the student will be subject to the same makeup policy described above.
- Tardiness
- The student must adhere to the schedule of the clinic at all times. If the student is unavoidably tardy, he/she must notify the clinical facility by phone. Tardiness of a few minutes should be reported to the clinical supervisor immediately upon arrival at the clinic.
- The CI and/or student must report incidences of tardiness to the Clinical Education Team on the third occurrence.
- Incidents of non-emergency tardiness may result in removal from the clinic and failure of the affiliation, based on the discretion of the CI and Clinical Education Team. See specific rotation for details.
- Travel Days
- If a student must drive 400-799 miles between clinical internships, the student will be excused from the final scheduled day of the current clinical experience to travel to the next site as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student remains at the discretion of the CI.
- If a student must drive more than 800 miles between clinical internships, the student will be excused from the final two days of the current clinical experience to travel to the next site as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student remains at the discretion of the CI.
- If the student chooses to fly to/from clinical experiences, the student will be excused from the final day of the current clinical experience if required to travel more than 800 miles to the next internship experience as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student is at the discretion of the CI.
- PT 6971 Course Policy: Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Travel Days
See course syllabus for information related to attendance requirements. - PT 7972 Course Policies: Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Travel Days
- Absences
- All absences must be made up. The student is responsible for arranging the make-up time with the clinical instructor. The Clinical Education Team must be made aware of this situation.
- If any unexcused absence occurs the student will be removed from the clinic at the discretion of the clinical instructor and Clinical Education Team. A failure of PT 7972 will occur and steps for repeating the rotation must be followed.
- Tardiness
- Three non-emergency incidents of tardiness will result in removal from the clinic and failure of the rotation.
- Travel Days
- Travel Days are not applicable in PT 7972
- Absences
- PT 8973, 8974, 8975 Course Policies: Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Travel Days
- Absences: A student is expected to participate in his/her clinical experience on a full-time basis throughout the scheduled weeks of the internship. Absences may be excused for the reasons listed below. The student will be expected to miss no more than 6 days throughout the course of all third-year clinical internships.
- Excused absences are allowed for the following reasons:
- Personal Sickness--if the student is ill 3 or more consecutive days, a physician must release the student to return to the clinic to work. The Clinical Education Team should also be informed. If the student is ill for 3 or more days on any internship, a minimum of 1 of the 3 sick days will be made up.
- Family sickness--the student is advised to seek outside assistance in caring for ill family members, however, if the student notifies the CI prior to the start of the student's shift, the CI may excuse the student for up to a total of 2 days/internship. Additional days absent due to a sick child/family member will be made up.
- Family emergency--Student will be excused from the clinical experience for a maximum of 3 days in the case of a death in the immediate family. Other family emergencies will be handled on an individual basis by the Clinical Education Team and the CI/CCCE.
- Travel (see criteria below)
- If a student must drive 400-799 miles between clinical internships, s/he will be excused from the final scheduled day of the current clinical experience to travel to the next site as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student remains at the discretion of the Clinical Instructor.
- If a student must drive more than 800 miles between clinical internships, s/he will be excused from the final two days of the current clinical experience to travel to the next site as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student remains at the discretion of the Clinical Instructor.
- If the student chooses to fly to/from clinical experiences. S/he will be excused from the final day of the current clinical experience if s/he is required to travel more than 800 miles to his/her next internship experience as long as all requirements of the clinical internship have been met. The release of the student is at the discretion of the Clinical Instructor.
- Unexcused absences: Absences that occur without the consent of the CI and the Clinical Education Team and do not fall under the categories listed above will be considered unexcused. One unexcused, non-emergency absence will result in a written contract between the student, facility, and 麻豆破解传媒 Physical Therapy Education Program. Any additional unexcused absence will result in removal from the facility and failure of the internship.
- Make-up days: If a student must make up an excessive number of days, these will be made up at the convenience and discretion of the CI and Clinical Education Team. This may occur over Christmas break, Spring break, or during the summer and may possibly delay graduation.
- Excused absences are allowed for the following reasons:
- Tardiness
- A student is expected to arrive at the clinical site and stay at the clinical site according to the schedule determined by his/her clinical instructor (CI). Arriving late or leaving early will be viewed as tardiness.
- Three non-emergency incidents of tardiness will result in a written contract between the student, facility, and 麻豆破解传媒 College Physical Therapy Education Program. Two additional incidents of tardiness will result in removal from the facility and failure of the internship.
- Adjustment in Clinical Schedules
- A student may request his/her weekly schedule be adjusted based on an important event in the student's life that requires travel and/or participation during the normal workweek. The CI/ CCCE will determine if the request is reasonable and can be accommodated. (example A below).
- A student will not request his/her weekly schedule be adjusted the day prior to or following a legal holiday. The student should assume that if the clinic is open on days immediately prior to or following holidays, s/he will provide patient care. (example B below)
- Example (A): Student A is typically scheduled to work 5 8-hour days/week, Mon-Friday. S/he is participating in an out of town wedding on Saturday, July 14. S/he needs to travel a significant distance to attend the wedding and Student A will be standing up in the wedding. S/he asks CI Joe if s/he can adjust the schedule to accommodate being gone on Friday, July 13. CI Joe schedules the student to provide patient care on Sat, July 7, extending the work week to six days. He then allows student A to work only 4 days the following week (Mon-Thurs).
- Example (B) Student Z is typically scheduled to work 4 10-hour days Tues-Friday. The student requests to be gone for a family function on Tuesday, July 3. The student offers to make up the hours Saturday, July 7. The clinic where he works will be open on July 3rd, closed on July 4th. Student Z's CI contacts the Clinical Education Team to clarify the policy on absences and schedule adjustments. The Clinical Education Team states the student has been informed of the schedule adjustment policy and should not be allowed to be gone the day prior to the holiday.
- Absences: A student is expected to participate in his/her clinical experience on a full-time basis throughout the scheduled weeks of the internship. Absences may be excused for the reasons listed below. The student will be expected to miss no more than 6 days throughout the course of all third-year clinical internships.
Policy Title: Reporting the Results of Full-Time Clinical Internships
Policy #: CE 2.03
Originated: Nov 2012
Revised: Jan 2015
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: Jan 2015
The data obtained from each full-time clinical internship will be examined in the aggregate to look for trends, strengths, and opportunities specific to individual students and student cohorts, and the clinical education curriculum.
- Following the conclusion of each full-time clinical internship, the clinical education team will create a report for the department summarizing the performance of students on internships.
- The report will include a summary of:
- How the students scored as a group on the CPI.
- Items with the highest and lowest average scores.
- Any other data or information the ACCE deems appropriate.
- This report will be assembled and stored in P:\\Committees\Assessment\Clinical Education\CPI Outcome Data\Class of XXXX. All faculty will be invited to view reports via email once the report is finalized.
- Content of reports will be reported to PEC and Assessment Committees by ACCE at the start of the spring and fall semester for further analysis and evaluation
- Given the large volume of data that must be submitted by students and collected from CPI Web, this report may take 3-4 weeks to produce following any given clinical internship.
Policy Title: Students Experiencing Difficulties During Clinical Internships
Policy #: CE 2.04
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
The student is expected to communicate with both the Clinical Instructor and the 麻豆破解传媒 Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education regarding any concerns or questions related to a clinical education experience.
- If any problems arise during clinical education, students are expected to discuss the situation with the clinical instructor and site-specific Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE). Students are expected to contact the 麻豆破解传媒 Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) as soon as the problems arise.
- The 麻豆破解传媒 ACCE will work together with the student and the clinical instructor to problem solve an equitable resolution. Resolutions may include but are not limited to the following:
- Meeting with the supervisor and student to understand and problem solve the situation
- Providing or locating consultation to clinical instructor in the area of student supervision and entry-level competence
- Generating a learning contract between the student and clinical instructor
- Use of weekly summary sheets, critical incident reports or other means of documentation of student behaviors
- Providing or locating counseling services for the student
- Referral to the Student Progress and Retention Committee
- Discontinuing the clinical internship
- All discontinued clinical education experiences must be rescheduled and completed in their entirety at another facility.
- Completion of the rescheduled clinical internship may require a student to delay graduation.
Policy Title: Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities of Clinical Instructors
Policy #: CE 2.05
Originated: 9/1/2014
Revised: 5/2015
Cross Ref. #: CAPTE F-25,CAPTE F-26
Reviewed: 5/2015
麻豆破解传媒's Department of Physical Therapy Education values the clinical instructors who supervise physical therapist students during clinical experiences. The rights and privileges associated with being a member of the clinical faculty are published in the Department's clinical educational manual. This manual is available to all clinical sites. The manual is reviewed and updated annually.
- The clinical faculty has the right to expect:
- Academically well-prepared students from our program.
- Ethical and professional behavior from all students, academic faculty and staff.
- Timely communication with academic faculty: includes requests for clinical education materials and guidance with student issues.
- The clinical instructor has the right to:
- Provide input regarding curriculum of our program.
- Request immediate removal or remove any student from clinical site who, in CI鈥檚 opinion, is not acting in the best interest of patient care.
- Make recommendations regarding student's completion of internships: includes requesting additional time as needed and suggestions to improve student performance
- At the conclusion of internship, a certificate including confirmation of hours spent supervising DPT student appropriate to submit for continuing education credit in states where this is allowed.
- Benefits for Clinical Instructors:
- Annual in-service training on how to be an effective clinical instructor provided by University faculty
- Admission to 麻豆破解传媒 sporting events at faculty rate
- Access to Academic faculty expertise in a wide range of areas
- Responsibilities of Clinical Instructors:
- Orient the student to the site
- Provide on-site supervision to the student
- Review/Co-sign all patient/client documentation generated by the student
- Accurately evaluate the student using the CPIweb as required, based on the length of internship
- E) Communicate with the ACCE or Assistant ACCE in response to requests from the ACCE/Assistant ACCE and communicate questions/concerns related to the student, curriculum or other issue related to clinical internship
Policy Title: Communication with Clinical Educators
Policy #: CE 2.06
Originated: 11/2013
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/1/2015
Communication is critical to successful internships as well as the development of clinical faculty. The Department of Physical Therapy Education is committed to ongoing communication with all clinical faculty.
- All Center Coordinators of Clinical Education (CCCE鈥檚) will receive annual communication from the ACCE specific to the DPT program. CCCE鈥檚 will be directed to forward/post communication to share with all clinical educators at their facility.
- All CCCE鈥檚 will receive regular communication from the ACCE on/about Mar 1 requesting internships for the subsequent year.
- All CCCE鈥檚 will be provided with written confirmation via email of student internship assignments. Communication will include student contact information, picture and schedule of internships.
- Students are responsible for communicating with their assigned site CCCE 8 weeks prior to the start of their internship.
- Students are responsible for communicating with their assigned Clinical Educator 4 weeks prior to the start of their internship.
- All CCCE鈥檚 at sites with an assigned student will be emailed information specific to the internship 1-2 weeks in advance of the start of the internship. Information provided will be information related to the CPI web evaluation and the CI handbook. The ACCE will request information be forwarded to the assigned clinical educator.
- All Clinical Educators with supervising a student on full-time internships will receive a certificate email @ the completion of the internship verifying time spent supervising the DPT
- All CCCE鈥檚 will receive student feedback about internships within 3 months of the internship. CCCE鈥檚 will be encouraged to share the feedback with appropriate clinic staff
- All Clinical Educators who supervise RU DPT students >160 hrs/year will be invited to complete a survey and provide input specific to the program
Policy Title: Site Concerns Related to Non-Academic Issues
Policy #: 2.07
Originated: 11/11/2014
Revised: 6/1/2015
Cross Ref. #: P-6
Reviewed: 7/1/2015
Concerns outside of student academic performance should be communicated in a timely and professional manner to the Academic Coordinator for Clinical Education (ACCE) or Department Chair for Physical Therapy Education. Situations that fall under the federal Title IX mandate will include support and an investigation by the 麻豆破解传媒 Title IX compliance team. Communication with clinical education faculty is welcomed and encouraged. If anyone at a clinical site wishes to communicate a complaint outside of students鈥 academic performance.
- Complainant must communicate concern in writing to either ACCE or Department chair.
- ACCE or Department Chair will contact complainant within ten academic business days to acknowledge complaint and clarify complaint if needed.
- Any Title IX concerns will be directed to the 麻豆破解传媒 Title IX compliance team per departmental policy.
- Resolution of complaint will proceed according to university guidelines according to the nature of the complaint and person(s) against whom the complaint is lodged.
Policy Title: Assessment of Clinical Education Sites and Clinical Educators
Policy #: 2.08
Cross Ref. #: CAPTE F-16, CAPTE CP 4
Reviewed: 5/2015
Clinical education sites and clinical educators are integral to the curriculum of the 麻豆破解传媒 DPT program; therefore, clinical education sites and clinical education faculty will be assessed on an ongoing basis in a variety of ways. Information related to site and clinical educator assessment will be disseminated in an appropriate way.
- Information is gathered from a range of sources in order to assess clinical education sites and clinical educators. Information is gathered in a variety of ways including site phone calls and visits, Student and Clinical Educator surveys, and feedback gathered informally from faculty and students.
- Information gathered is reviewed annually by Clinical Education team.
- Feedback provided by students via 鈥淪tudent Evaluation of Clinical Education Experience and Instruction鈥 is provided to related site at the conclusion of each internship.
Policy Title: Assignment of Clinical Internships
Policy #: CE 3.01
Cross Ref. #: CAPTE CP-2.10
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students are assigned to clinical internship assignments are a collaboration between the clinical education team and the student. Clinical education assignments will be made based on a variety of factors including but not limited to: site availability; student/site compatibility; student preferences; variety of experiences; student professional behavior; and faculty recommendations. All students will be assigned to one 9-week outpatient adult internship and one 9-week adult inpatient setting. All students should be prepared to complete one 9-week internship outside of the Kansas City metro area.
- Prior to Clinical Education II, III, IV, and V the student will be allowed to choose preferences from a site choice list provided by the Clinical Education Team. Student preferences will be submitted to the Clinical Education Team on a specific date. Late submission will forfeit their priority in clinical assignments. Assignments will be made via a modified lottery system with input from student and faculty representatives.
- The Clinical Education Team will utilize software to facilitate assigning students to their clinical sites for PT 7972 (Clinical Education II). Recommendations for 3rd year, 9-week internship assignments will be determined through a combination of student preferences, review by the Clinical Education Team, and student selection committee recommendations. Final assignments for 9-week internships will be approved by the full faculty. All students will complete a minimum of one 9-week rotation in an inpatient setting and one 9-week experience in an outpatient setting. All students should plan to complete at least one 9-week internship outside of the Kansas City metropolitan area. Clinical education assignments will be based on a variety of factors including but not limited to: site availability; student/site compatibility; student preferences; variety of experiences; student professional behavior; and faculty recommendations.
- All assignments finalized by the Clinical Education Team and faculty are considered FINAL. Site assignments are only subject to change based on facility request or recommendation by faculty.
- Each student, including married students and students with dependents, have an equal and likely possibility of being placed at a site located outside of the Kansas City metropolitan area.
- Each student is responsible for costs incurred during all clinical assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to plan and discuss finances, housing possibilities, and travel arrangements prior to completing the placement process.
- Students requesting an assignment at sites with multiple regional locations are expected to accept an assignment at any location within a reasonable distance of the desired location.
- Students may make recommendations of new clinical sites on a form provided by the Clinical Education Team. By making these recommendations, students are contributing to the development of the 麻豆破解传媒 Physical Therapy Education Program. Due to the complexity of the contracting procedures, a recommendation of a clinical site does not guarantee placement at that site by the requesting (or any) student.
Policy Title: Confidentiality Of Patient/Client Information
Policy #: CE 3.02
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students must maintain confidentiality for all lab subjects, fellow students, and clients throughout the PT program at 麻豆破解传媒. Students enrolled in the physical therapy program at 麻豆破解传媒 may become aware of private health information related to their classmates, patients or clients during the course of their educational experience. State and federal laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) requires safeguards be put in place to protect the privacy and confidentiality for patients and clients.
- The student will read the department鈥檚 statement and policy on the confidentiality of patient records and information. Signing the document will indicate the student is in agreement with the following confidentiality requirements
- The student agrees to keep confidential any information regarding classmates, lab subjects and/or clients seen in clinics as part of an academic or clinical education course.
- The student agrees not to reveal to any persons or persons except authorized faculty, clinical staff or associated personnel, any specific information regarding any classmate, lab subject or client and further agrees not to reveal to any third party any confidential information concerning a classmate, lab subject of client, except as required by law.
- Faculty will inform students of situations in which confidential information must be disclosed (e.g. cases of abuse, neglect)
- Students who fail to follow the confidentiality policy will face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program
Policy Title: Evaluation of Student Performance During Clinical Internship
Policy #: CE 3.03
Originated: Revised:
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Clinical Instructors will provide a summative evaluation of the student at midterm and at the conclusion of each full-time third-year clinical internship using the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI). Students are required to complete appropriate mid-term and final self-assessment using the CPI.
- Clinical Instructors will complete the CPI and review the completed form with students a minimum of two times during a full-time clinical experience. Students must complete and discuss CPI self-assessment. The assessment of the clinical experience will be signed by both the student and the fieldwork supervisor. The completed electronic evaluations are available to the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator once the student and CI sign off on the evaluation.
- The ACCE is responsible for interpreting the evaluations and assigning the final grade for the clinical education experience. All clinical education experiences are graded as Pass/No Pass.
Policy Title: Policy on Student injury/illness
Policy #: CE 3.04
Originated: 10/2/2013
Revised: ---
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students enrolled in the Department of Physical Therapy Education program will be exposed to people and situations throughout the program. Student will accept responsibility for minimizing risk for illness and injury by following appropriate precautions and requesting assistance when needed.
- Student will be made aware of his/her personal responsibility to minimize risk for illness and/or injury by following appropriate precautions.
- Student will be oriented during clinical internships to personal protection equipment and appropriate/safe use of equipment to be used during the internship
- If student does experience illness or injury during an internship, student will report this information to Clinical Instructor immediately and ACCE within 24 hours.
- ACCE will document the student鈥檚 illness/injury
- Clinical Instructor will document student鈥檚 absence due to illness/injury in the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) Web
- Student will assume all costs associated with treatment for any illness or injury obtained during the clinical internship
- If student is ill/injured and absent from the clinical internship for 3 days or more, the student will need to obtain a medical release from a healthcare provider to return to the internship.
- Student will be required to make-up time missed during full-time internships per the Attendance Policy
Policy Title: Professional Behavior in Clinical Education
Policy #: CE 3.05
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Physical Therapy is a human service profession. One of its central tenets is the value of human dignity. This value is reflected in conduct which demonstrates sensitivity to the physical and psychological well-being of others and honesty in all endeavors. Specific actions supporting these values include maintenance of confidentiality and honesty concerning personal, academic, and medical information, provisions for the physical safety of others, and the demonstration of respect for the psychological welfare of others.
- Students in the Physical Therapy Program are expected to exhibit conduct which gives evidence of ethical and safe practice of physical therapy. Such evidence may be seen in behaviors which:
- Provide a safe environment in class, lab, and clinic.
- Maintain confidentiality with respect to patients.
- Respect individual differences.
- Respect modesty of individuals.
- Are honest.
- Are discrete and tactful with actions and words, considering the impact on classmates, the Physical Therapy Program, the University, co-workers, and the profession.
- Inherent in ethical conduct for the professional person is commitment to fulfilling professional responsibilities and to continued professional growth. Professional responsibility for the care of patients involves two major aspects. First, it means the development of knowledge and skills to examine patients safely and accurately to determine the nature and extent of the problem. Secondly, it means the institution of effective physical therapy intervention to resolve the problem. Specific actions, which provide evidence of the development of these commitments, include knowledge of self, use of good judgment, and attention to current activities.
- Students in the Physical Therapy Program are expected to exhibit conduct which gives evidence of commitment to fulfilling professional responsibilities and continued professional growth. Such evidence may be seen in such behaviors as:
- Adhering to policies of the University, school, department and affiliating institution;
- Adhering to policies and procedures pertaining to attendance and administrative concerns;
- Wearing appropriate attire;
- Correcting problems that interfere with clinical performance;
- Setting priorities within the clinical setting;
- F) Recognizing basic differences between self and others and the impact of these differences on interpersonal interactions;
- Realizing personal strengths and limitations.
- Appropriate use of technology adhering to the policies of the university, school, department, and affiliating institution.
- Behavior which fails to meet these ideals is subject to disciplinary action under the jurisdiction of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE), Program Director, and appropriate Deans of the University.
Policy Title: Use of Technology and Social Media During Clinical Placement
Policy #: CE 3.06
Originated: 5/20/2013
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
All students must adhere to the 麻豆破解传媒 Department of Physical Therapy Education鈥檚 professional behavior and confidentiality policies along with HIPPA requirements when using or participating in social media on clinical internships. In addition, students must make sure they are in compliance with any social media policy implemented by their clinical site.
- Students will not connect with their clinical educators, clinical site, or clients on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or other social network or media sites from a personal account. Connecting with Clinical Instructors (CI鈥檚) or sites via a professional profile, such as Linked In, is acceptable.
- Students will not mention any clinical site name or address, clinical educator name or description, or client name or description on social networks.
- Students must refrain from posting comments or criticisms about clinical sites, clinical educators, or clients.
- Posting or discussing client/patient information which could allow a person to be identified is a HIPPA violation.
- Use of cell phones during clinical internships will be based on the policies of the clinical site. The student is responsible for obtaining and complying with site-specific policies including use of personal phones.
- Uses of technology on clinical internships, such as tablet applications for medical information and treatment programs, must be approved by the Center Coordinator for Clinical Education (CCCE) and Clinical Instructor (CI) prior to use at the internship site. The student will inform the Academic Coordinator for Clinical Education (ACCE) that appropriate permission has been granted.
Policy Title: Clinical Education Performance Expectations
Policy #: CE 3.07
Originated: 1/2007
Revised: Cross Ref. #: CE 3.08
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students will demonstrate an appropriate level of competence during clinical education experiences as determined by the course instructor. Students will not be allowed to progress further in the clinical education sequence until they demonstrate competency and pass all prerequisite clinical education coursework.
- PT 6971: Clinical Education I: (spring semester, 1st year) Please see specific course syllabus for course requirements
- PT 7972: Clinical Education II (fall semester, 2nd year)
- PT 7972 is a three-week clinical experience integrated into the didactic course work.
- Using the electronic web-based, Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) v. 2, the student will be rated at or above, rating anchor Advanced Intermediate Performance based on the CPI Web scale (See Table 1) for the red flag performance criteria (PC) (See Form C). Students will be rated at or above rating anchor, Intermediate Performance (See Form C) for all other performance criteria on the PT CPI Web.
- Written comments will be reviewed by the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education for each PC rated to determine consistency between VAS rating and comments. In the event where a discrepancy exists between comments and rating, the ACCE will contact the CI and request further clarification. Documentation of CI and ACCE discussion of clarification will be kept with CPI
- Failure to meet the appropriate level of competency during PT 7972 in 3 or more PC will result in the student failing the current clinical experience. The student will be placed on clinical probation and will be required to successfully complete an additional clinical experience to remediate the problem areas. A three-week remedial internship must be successfully completed prior to beginning PT 8973 in the final year of the physical therapy program. This may result in the delay in the start of PT 8973. Failure to achieve the criteria for passing on the remedial internship or any internship thereafter will result in dismissal from the physical therapy program. Remedial internships will be scheduled on an available basis. This may require students to participate in clinical internships over scheduled breaks (Christmas, spring, summer) and may also delay graduation.
- A provisional pass will be given to students who have met criteria in all but 2 specific Performance Criteria areas. This provisional pass will be accompanied by a learning contract developed by the faculty and modified to meet specific, individual goals. The learning contract will apply to the next attended clinical internship.
- F) If the student fails to meet the criteria as stated in the learning contract on the next attended clinical affiliation, the student will receive an incomplete and be placed on clinical probation. The student will be required to successfully complete an additional clinical internship of the same duration as the clinical internship that was termed incomplete. The remedial clinical internship must be completed prior to continuing in the clinical education progression. Remedial clinical internships will be scheduled with facilities on an available basis. This may require work when the university is not in session. Failure to achieve the criteria for passing on the remedial clinical internships or any internship thereafter will result in dismissal from the physical therapy program.
- PT 8973, 8974, 8975: Clinical Education III, IV, V, VI (3rd year, summer/fall/spring )
- PT 8973, 8974, 8975 are three internships that occur in the final year of study. At the completion of each experience, a grade of Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) will be assigned based on the following criteria.
- In order to pass the internship, the student must be rated at or above rating anchor, Entry-Level Performance (Form C) on the red flag Performance Criteria (PC) of the PT Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) Web. All other PC鈥檚 must be rated at or above rating anchor Advanced Intermediate performance.
- Written comments will be reviewed by the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education for each PC rated to determine consistency between VAS rating and comments. In the event where a discrepancy exists between comments and rating, ACCE will contact the CI and request further clarification. Documentation of clarification will be kept with Clinical Performance Instrument
- Failure to achieve criteria as listed above in 3 or more PC, on one of the 9-week internships, will result in the student failing the current clinical experience. The student will be placed on clinical probation and be required to successfully complete an additional internship of equal length to remediate the problem areas. The remedial experience will be scheduled during the summer after all didactic work is completed. This will delay graduation and potentially delay taking the physical therapy board examination. Failure to achieve the criteria for passing on the remedial internship will result in dismissal from the physical therapy program.
- Provisional Pass: refer to PT 7972: Clinical Education II: Section E above.
- Final grade will be determined by the ACCE after review of all available materials related to the clinical internship.
Form C: Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) Rating scale
On the PT CPI Web computer version, student performance is marked by clicking on the rating scale with radial buttons at mid-evaluation and a second rating scale for the final evaluation.
Midterm | Final |
Policy Title: Failure of a Clinical Internship
Policy #: CE 3.08
Originated: Aug 2006
Cross Ref. #: CE 3.07
Reviewed: 5/2015
Students are expected to consistently demonstrate competency during clinical internships. Competency is assessed by reviewing CPI final ratings, CPI comments and discussions with student and clinical instructor
- Failure to achieve competency in 3 or more performance criteria as listed in Student Performance during Clinical Internships (CE 3.08) on any internship will result in the student failing the current clinical experience.
- The student will be placed on clinical probation and be required to complete remediation activities specifically designed to address problem areas.
- The student will be required to successfully complete an additional internship of equal length to remediate the problem areas and demonstrate competency.
- The remedial experience will be scheduled at a time determined by the ACCE based on clinical site availability and student readiness. The remedial internship may delay graduation and potentially delay taking the physical therapy board examination.
- Failure to achieve the criteria for passing on the remedial internship will result in dismissal from the physical therapy program.
Policy Title: Student Prerequisites for Clinical Education
Policy #: CE 3.09
Originated: Jan 2001
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
Progression Into The Clinical Education Component of the PT Program Matriculation of the student into the clinical practice component of the curriculum is dependent on the student:
- Completing all required coursework prior to starting assigned internship and be recognized as a student in good standing in the physical therapy program.
- Achieving a score of 86% or better on lab practicals.
- Demonstrating professional behaviors when interacting with academic and clinical faculty, students, and clients/patients. These behaviors reflect the capacity to deliver a high standard of health service and are as important as traditional academic standards in determining criteria for promotion/continuation in the program.
- Obtaining a criminal background check through an external agency at least 4 weeks prior to the start of full-time clinical experience in Year 2 of the program (PT 7972). The results of the criminal background check results will be reviewed by Clinical Education Team and other faculty as deemed appropriate.
- Completing training and post-test related to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prior to starting any clinical education activities
- Completing an online training and passing post-test related to PT CPI Web available through the APTA website at no cost.
- Providing proof of the following health requirements to the Clinical Education Team on the date requested:
- Current health insurance coverage
- Students are required to maintain current health insurance. Students must present proof of health insurance to the Department of Physical Therapy Education at the time of enrollment and annually thereafter. If you have a specific reason(s) for not maintaining health insurance, please speak with Mike Anderson, in the 麻豆破解传媒 Office of ACCESS (DSS) Support Services located in the Business Office, Massman Room 109, (816) 501-4175.
- Current American Heart Association BLS CPR certification
- Students are responsible for locating, obtaining, and paying for their American Heart Association BLS CPR certification. The Clinical Education Team provides information to assist the students in the process.
- Students must obtain certification in adult, child, infant, and two-person CPR.
- Students should obtain certification at timely intervals such that certification will be current throughout the three years they participate in clinical education
- First Aid certification
- Students are responsible for locating, obtaining, and paying for their First Aid certification.
- The Clinical Education Team provides information to assist the students in the process.
- Students should obtain certification by the spring of their first year.
- First Aid certification needs to be completed one time only.
- Certain organizations will provide CPR and First Aid training in combination.
- This requirement will be waived for students who successfully completed an undergraduate course which explicitly included first aide content and training
- Annual physical exam from a physician or nurse practitioner.
- Students are responsible for obtaining and paying for a physical exam.
- If a student has a disability, acute or chronic, that may affect his or her safety or that of the patient/client, the student must obtain a written statement specifying required accommodations
- If student requires accommodations due to a documented disability, student must determine whether or not to notify clinical sites if accommodations are being sought at clinical site during internship. Student should initiate discussion related to necessary accommodation with the ACCE in a timely manner and be prepared to provide written documentation justifying accommodations to clinical site.
- Documentation of all childhood immunizations or positive titers including but not limited to rubella, measles, Tdap, and varicella.
- Annual negative TB test or proof of negative chest x-ray.
- Proof of Hepatitis B immunizations
- Current seasonal flu vaccination
- Additional requirements of clinical sites including but not limited to additional background checks, drug screens, or other immunizations.
- Current health insurance coverage
- Students who do not complete these health requirements on an annual basis and present proof of such by the assigned date requested by the Clinical Education Team will lose their priority in clinical assignments and may not participate in clinical education activities until all requirements are fulfilled.
- Obtaining Student Liability Insurance - Students will be covered by a 麻豆破解传媒 liability policy while completing all clinical education activities under the supervision of the assigned clinical instructor at the clinical site as stipulated in the contract between 麻豆破解传媒 and the affiliating facility. Students will be assessed a fee at the start of each academic year for this personal liability insurance coverage
- Reviewing Clinical Education Policy on Confidentiality of Patient/Client Information and signing the confidentiality form to show evidence that the student understands the confidentiality requirement.
- Assuming responsibility for all costs incurred while meeting the requirements for progression into clinical education including but not limited to housing, transportation, and additional site requirements.
Policy Title: Student Requirements After Failure of a Full-Time Clinical Internship
Policy #: CE 3.10
Revised: Jan 10, 2014
Cross Ref. #:
Reviewed: 5/2015
The Department of Physical Therapy Education is committed to preparing competent physical therapists prepared to practice across a range of settings upon graduation. Students must demonstrate competence across a range of settings during clinical internships. Failure to achieve the appropriate level of competence for the internship will result in student being issued a 鈥淣o Pass鈥 grade for the internship and a remediation plan including a remedial internship will be arranged and need to be successfully completed in order for the student to matriculate and or graduate from the program. These remedial activities will likely result in the student graduating later than the rest of his/her peers.
- If a student is issued a no pass then the student is required to participate in an individualized remediation plan prior to completing their remedial internship
- After remediation completed, remedial internship will be scheduled and completed.
- The student must enroll in and pay for the Independent Study course in order to complete the remedial internship at a time which is consistent with other scheduled internships
- Failure to pass the remedial internship will result in dismissal from the program.
Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences - Policies and Procedures
RE: Request for Reinstatement Following Dismissal from Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences Graduate Program DATE: January 2015
BY: Michael Clump, Interim Dean; Kris Vacek, Interim Associate Dean, Kathy Ermgodts, Chair of CSD; Jean Hiebert, Chair of PT; Mary Pat Shelledy, Chair of Education; Mylene Schriner, Interim Chair of OT
Implementation date: August 1, 2008; Revised date: November 2014; approved by Grad Chairs on 13 January 2015
POLICY: Each graduate program has established departmental policies regarding student academic standards and student professional behavior standards for continuance in the respective programs. Those standards are available from the program office and are included in the student handbook. All departmental policies meet and may exceed University requirements. If a student does not meet the standards outlined by the department and is dismissed from the program for either academic reasons or due to behavior, the following procedure outlines the process, should a student choose to request reinstatement. A student who has been reinstated and then has been dismissed a second time will be not be granted the opportunity to request another reinstatement. A student who has been dismissed from a program can apply for readmission into that program only once.
Note: Before a student requests reinstatement, he/she has the option to request a review of final grade (if dismissed because of a grade) or a review of behavioral dismissal (if dismissed because of behavior not related to a final grade). Refer to the Review of Final Grade/ Review of Behavioral Dismissal document. If the student does not request a review of the final grade or review of behavioral dismissal, the student may request reinstatement per the procedure listed below. If the student requests a review of the final grade or review of behavioral dismissal and the dismissal stands, he/she may request reinstatement per the procedure listed below. Once the student requests reinstatement, he/she can no longer request a review of the final grade or review of behavioral dismissal.
Departmental Level - Request for Reinstatement
Following the completion of the review of final grade or behavioral dismissal procedure, if requested, and if the dismissal still stands, the student may request reinstatement into the program. A written appeal must be made to the Department Chair or his/her designee within five business days of notification of the response to the review of final grade procedure or dismissal (if the student does not request review of the final grade). The written notification from the student must include, but may not be limited to, information responding to the following criteria:
- A statement regarding his/her desire for reinstatement,
- the extenuating circumstances or factors the student feels contributed to the dismissal along with information supporting the extenuating circumstances to be temporary and resolved,
- an action plan, with specific and concrete strategies, designed to enhance future academic and/or behavioral performance if the student is reinstated, and
- procedures the student will use to monitor his/her progress and adherence to action plan.
This written request must be submitted via 麻豆破解传媒 email. It is recommended the student request a delivery receipt and read receipt as evidence of email submission. All email communication must be through the student鈥檚 RU email address. If no request is received from the student within the time period required, the student will not be able to request reinstatement.
The Department Chair or designee will convene the board as soon as possible, typically within seven business days. The board will consist of five voting members: the Department Chair, two faculty members in the home department and two faculty members from outside the department. One member will also serve as the recorder. The Department Chair or designee will act as chair of the board and will vote only in the case of a tie. In the circumstance that the student earned the grade(s) leading to the dismissal in a course(s) taught by the Department Chair, an additional member from the home department will be added to the committee. In this case, the Department Chair will continue to chair the board but will not have a vote, ceding his/her vote to the added member-only in case of a tie.
The student has the option to request an 鈥渁dvisor鈥* be present with him/her at the board hearing. The advisor must be a member of the 麻豆破解传媒 faculty, staff or administration. The advisor鈥檚 role is to help the student understand the responsibilities and rights afforded in the process and to encourage honest and forthright engagement in the process. However, the advisor鈥檚 role during the actual hearing is limited. The advisor may not be present during the board deliberations and has no vote in the proceedings. Faculty or staff who agree to serve in such a role must avoid any conflict of interest. (*description of 鈥渁dvisor鈥 from RU Student Handbook). Students will not be allowed to bring family members or friends into the board hearing.
The Board will review the student鈥檚 request for reinstatement documents along with evidence of the academic or behavior record. The Board has the right to interview the student and to seek information from any faculty who have taught, supervised, or mentored the student. The Board can either choose to not reinstate or reinstate the student back into the program. Students who are reinstated will be placed on probation and stipulations may be required. The student will be notified of the final decision in writing via RU email within 24 business hours of the board hearing. This notification email will include the decision of the board (reinstate or not reinstate). The specific stipulations will be included in the follow up written letter. The student will receive a follow up written letter via RU email. The written letter will be emailed to the student within three business days of the decision. A delivery receipt and read receipt will be attached to each message. Evidence of delivery is sufficient, and evidence of read receipt is not required.
Materials related to the proceedings will be kept in the home department. A student who has been dismissed from a program can apply for readmission into that program only once.
Dean鈥檚 Office Level 鈥揂ppeal of Departmental Level Decision to Not Reinstate Student
A student who wishes to appeal the reinstatement decision of the Departmental Board must file a written "Intent to Appeal Reinstatement Decision" with the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies within 24 business hours of learning of the Board's decision. The written notification from the student must be submitted via RU email. It is recommended the student request a delivery receipt and read receipt as evidence of email submission. All email communication must be through the student鈥檚 RU email address. If no notification from the student is received within 24 business hours, the dismissal will stand.
The student will then be permitted up to three business days to prepare and present their own written appeal documents to the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies through RU email. It is recommended the student request a delivery receipt and read receipt as evidence of email submission.
Grounds for Appeal of Departmental Decision to Dean
The student may make an appeal if he/she believes that:
- The evidence is insufficient to warrant the action taken by the Departmental Board.
- The judgment of the Departmental Board was arbitrary.
- The decision made by the Departmental Board was inconsistent with existing University policy.
Upon receiving notice of filing the appeal, the Dean or designee will inform the Department Chair and the Departmental Board will forward all information related to the case to the Dean鈥檚 office. The Dean may request additional information or meet with any individual regarding the case. The Dean will provide a written decision to the student within five business days via RU email. A delivery receipt and read receipt will be attached to the message. Evidence of delivery is sufficient and evidence of read receipt is not required. A copy of the decision will also be provided to the Department Chair, the registrar鈥檚 office and the financial aid office. All decisions made by the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies are final and binding. A student who has been dismissed from a program can apply for readmission into that program only once.
Any requests not in accordance with these published time requirements will not be considered. Materials related to an appeal at the Dean鈥檚 office level will be kept in the Dean鈥檚 office.
RE: Review of Final Grade/ Review of Behavioral Dismissal
DATE: January 2015
BY: Michael Clump, Interim Dean; Kris Vacek, Interim Associate Dean, Kathy Ermgodts, Chair of CSD; Jean Hiebert, Chair of PT; Mary Pat Shelledy, Chair of Education; Mylene Schriner, Interim Chair of OT
Implementation date: approved 13 January 2015
POLICY: Each graduate program has established departmental policies regarding student academic standards and student professional behavior standards for continuance in the respective programs. Those standards are available from the program office and are included in the student handbook. All departmental policies meet and may exceed University requirements. If a student does not meet the standards outlined by the department and is dismissed from the program due to a final grade or behavior, the following procedure outlines the process, should a student request a review of final grade or review of behavioral dismissal. If the student requests a review of the final grade or review of behavioral dismissal and the dismissal stands, he/she may request reinstatement per the Request for Reinstatement Following Dismissal from GPS Graduate Program policy.
Review of Final Grade:
Students dismissed due to a grade or grades have the opportunity to request a review of their final grade. The student can choose to follow the 麻豆破解传媒 (RU) policies published in the RU catalog regarding review of final grade at the graduate level. In the case of a failing grade in a clinical experience, students will follow the same policy and procedure published in the RU catalog. If the student does not request a review of the final grade, he/she may request reinstatement per the procedure listed in the document titled Request for Reinstatement Following Dismissal from Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences Graduate Program. Once the student requests reinstatement, he/she can no longer request a review of the final grade.
Review of Behavioral Dismissal
It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to meet the behavior requirements established by each program at 麻豆破解传媒. It is the program鈥檚 responsibility to establish behavior expectations for students enrolled in their curriculum. At the beginning of any review procedure, all of those involved should proceed with this principle in mind: the primary goal of all proceedings will be to clarify requirements and affirm the application of consistent standards in an atmosphere of rational discourse.
Bases for Review
For adequate cause, a student has the right to request review of a behavioral dismissal based on the following: the student believes that:
- The assigned behavioral dismissal does not reflect the expectations as indicated in departmental documents that may include but are not limited to course syllabi, student handbooks, student contracts, and written expectations; or/and
- The behavioral dismissal does not reflect the student鈥檚 level of performance as stated in written student documents (for example, class attendance, performance during clinicals, internships, or student teaching, and, honesty, etc.); or/and
- The behavioral dismissal is inconsistent with standards set forth by the program or university; or/and The behavioral dismissal is based on arbitrary criteria.
The student requesting review of the behavioral dismissal must follow the procedure set out below. Failure to follow the procedure in the given order or to comply with the time limits identified in the procedure will result in denial of the review.
Informal Procedure for Review of the Behavioral Dismissal
Note: If the dismissal is directly related to/or comes directly from an individual faculty member, the student will first follow the procedure at the Instructor/Faculty Member Level. If the dismissal is directly related to/or comes directly from the Department Chair, the student will begin at the Chair Level procedure.
Instructor/Faculty Member Level: Within five business days following notification of behavioral dismissal, the student requests in writing (email through the student鈥檚 RU account) review of the behavioral dismissal from the assigning instructor/faculty member. If the instructor/faculty member is not available, the student can submit the request to the Department Chair who will help contact the instructor/faculty member. If several instructors participated in the process for behavioral dismissal, the instructor who issued the final decision will perform the review at this level. The student and the instructor/faculty member may agree to meet to conduct part of dismissal review. If a meeting is to occur, the student should make the appointment to meet with the instructor/faculty member in writing (email through the student鈥檚 RU account) and the meeting should occur within five business days of receipt of the request for an appointment. The student can submit supporting evidence and any appropriate documentation. Supporting evidence must be received by the instructor/faculty member 24 hours before the meeting. After meeting, the instructor/faculty member will conduct a review and notify the student of the decision within two business day following the meeting. If the student does not request a meeting, the student can submit supporting evidence and any appropriate documentation via RU email. Supporting evidence must be received by the instructor/ faculty member within five business days of the request for review of behavioral dismissal. The instructor/faculty member will conduct a review and notify the student of the decision via 麻豆破解传媒 email within seven business days of receipt of the request of the dismissal.
Chair Level: If within five business days of the instructor/faculty member鈥檚 response the student is not satisfied with the result, the student may request in writing via 麻豆破解传媒 email to the Department Chair a review of the behavioral dismissal. For the purpose of information, the student鈥檚 request should include supporting evidence, such as copies of behavioral contracts, development plans, and other evidence of behavior. The student should also note the steps taken so far to review the dismissal. After (a) reviewing the case with the student and (b) reviewing the case with the assigning instructor/faculty member, the department chair will within seven business days of the student鈥檚 request for review, advise the student and the instructor/faculty member of her/his opinion regarding the behavioral dismissal via 麻豆破解传媒 email and that the informal procedure is completed.
Formal Procedure for Review of Behavioral Dismissal
If not satisfied with the result of the informal procedure, the student may request a formal review of the behavioral dismissal.
- Within seven business days of the response of the Department Chair, the student presents in writing via 麻豆破解传媒 email to the dean (or his/her designee) of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) in which the course is offered, the request for formal review of the behavioral dismissal, including reasons justifying the review, any supporting evidence, and a list of the steps taken to date to resolve the issue.
- Within seven business days of the student鈥檚 written request, the dean (or his/her designee) will convene a panel consisting of one full-time representative of the School of GPS and two full-time faculty members of the same department or academic discipline as the instructor/faculty member, if department or discipline size permits. A university representative of the School of GPS will chair the panel. The dean鈥檚 office will inform the requesting student and the instructor/faculty member in writing via RU email the names of the panel appointees.
- The student and the instructor/faculty member may each object to up to two-panel appointees. Any objection to a panel appointee must be via RU email to the dean鈥檚 office within three business days of notice of the panel appointees. Failure to lodge objection to a panel member will be considered as acceptance of the appointee as panel member. No other objections will be permitted by either the student or the course instructor/faculty member. After exhaustion of objections, the dean (or his/her designee) will appoint individuals to fill any vacancy on the panel.
- As soon as panel membership is set, the dean (or his/her designee) turns over to the chair of the panel the student request and all supporting materials provided.
- The chair of the panel does not vote on the recommendation except in the event that the two other faculty members, each of whom has one vote, are unable to reach agreement.
- The chair will schedule a date for the review and the panel should conduct a conference within five business days of appointment. The panel will examine the information provided and may hold a conference of the panel, the student, and the instructor/faculty member. The chair of the panel has the responsibility to inform the panel members, the student, and the instructor/faculty member of the date, time, and place of any conference.
- The panel is empowered either (a) to recommend that the instructor/faculty member remove the behavioral dismissal, (b) to recommend that the instructor/faculty member reevaluate the behavioral dismissal according to criteria specified by the panel, or (c) to dismiss the appeal. The panel is not empowered to remove the behavioral dismissal. The behavioral dismissal cannot be changed by anyone but that instructor/faculty member. The instructor/ faculty member will advise the registrar of a change in student status, if any. The panel will advise the student of a change in status, if any.
- The panel submits its recommendation within two business days after the conclusion of the conference to the student, to the course instructor/faculty member, to the program chair, and to the appropriate academic dean (or his/her designee) via 麻豆破解传媒 Univ. email. No other review is available.
- The behavioral dismissal will be considered confidential and only those involved in the appeal including its investigation and resolution will be provided information concerning the appeal. If the student chooses to make the panel鈥檚 recommendation a part of her/his permanent file, the student should instruct the dean (or his/her designee) to convey the panel鈥檚 recommendation to the registrar and the panel鈥檚 recommendation will be transmitted by the registrar鈥檚 office to graduate schools, employers, and others to whom the student requests that a transcript be sent according to the policies of the University regarding release of transcriptions and to the program chair of the student鈥檚 major and the director of financial aid at 麻豆破解传媒.
Department of Physical Therapy Education Grievance Policy
This policy addresses complaints not covered by an established University, College, or Program policy or procedure (e.g. Title IX related concerns, dismissal appeals). As such, an individual having a complaint with any student, faculty, or staff member from the 麻豆破解传媒 Department of Physical Therapy Education is encouraged to file a written complaint. Complaints should be addressed to:
Chair, Department of Physical Therapy Education
1100 麻豆破解传媒 Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
The written complaint should include:
- full name of the individual(s) named in the complaint
- the date and location where the incident occurred
- names and phone numbers of witnesses to the incident
- an exact description of what occurred (including time frame)
- full name and contact information for person filing the complaint
- The Chair will discuss the complaint directly with the party involved. If the matter is reconciled, the documented resolution of the complaint will be sent to the involved parties within 10 academic business days of notification of the complaint either via email or USPS with delivery notification. A letter from the Chair acknowledging the resolution of the complaint will be filed within the Department and a copy will be sent to the complainant.
- If the complainant is not satisfied after discussion with the Chair (or the complaint is with the Chair), the complainant may submit a written complaint to the Dean of Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences. At this time, the Chair will forward to the Dean a written summary of previous discussions where appropriate. The Dean will meet with each party separately and may schedule a joint meeting with the two parties involved. The documented resolution of the complaint will be sent to the involved parties within 10 academic business days of notification of the complaint either via email or USPS with delivery notification. A letter outlining the resolution of the matter will be filed within the Dean鈥檚 office and a copy will be sent to the Chair and complainant.
- If the complainant is still not satisfied with the resolution, a written complaint may be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPPA). The VPAA will meet with each party separately and may schedule a joint meeting with the two parties involved. The documented resolution of the complaint will be sent to the involved parties within 10 academic business days of notification of the complaint either via email or USPS with delivery notification. The resolution by the VPAA will be filed within the VPAA鈥檚 office, with copies sent to the Dean of Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the Chair, and the complainant.
Outline for 3rd year DPT students during 12-week internships
*There is an assumption that the student continues to demonstrate the goals attained in prior weeks.
Timeframe and Caseload (100%=f/t entry-level PT鈥檚 caseload) Suggested caseload: Always maintain appropriate level of supervision | Sample goals for student to complete | Sample learning activities |
Week 1-3 0-30% |
Weeks 4-5 30-50% |
Weeks 6-7 |
| |
Weeks 7-9 50-75% |
Weeks 10-11 70-100% |
Week 12 Final Week Your Call 80-100% |
Evaluation requirements for student physical therapists during full-time internships
All DPT students expect and deserve ongoing formative feedback during their full-time internship experiences. Feedback may be delivered in a range of ways including: verbal, written, visual and a combination of the two.
In addition, students require summative feedback in the form of written evaluations during each clinical internship.
Below are the requirements for summative evaluations using the PT CPIweb evaluation tool:
Internship timeframe | Internship Name | Length of internship | CPI Web Evaluations required |
Late Fall, 2nd Year | PT 7972: Clinical Education II | 5 weeks | Final evaluation only |
Summer, 3rd Year | PT 8973: Clinical Education III | 12 weeks | Midterm and Final evaluation |
Early Fall, 3rd Year | PT 8974: Clinical Education IV | 12 weeks | Midterm and Final evaluation |
Spring, 3rd Year | PT 8975: Clinical Education V | 8 weeks | Midterm and Final evaluation |
Definitions of Performance Dimensions and Rating Scale Anchors
View Definitions of Performance Dimensions and Rating Scale Anchors