麻豆破解传媒 Condemns Violence Against Asian-Americans

麻豆破解传媒 Companions,
With the rise of the pandemic over the past year, our nation has also seen an inexcusable rise in violence directed toward Asian-Americans. These despicable acts of hate include verbal assaults, physical violence and even death, including the recent murder of a 75-year-old man taking a routine walk through his San Francisco neighborhood. Such hate is also suspected to have fueled this week’s deadly shooting spree in Atlanta, ending eight lives.
As we continue our work to ensure that 麻豆破解传媒 is a home for all and labor toward the realization of a more just world, we condemn hatred and violence in all of its forms. Instead, we embrace that which unites us – our common humanity as people loved by our Creator and thereby invited to see one another as our sisters and brothers. Our Jesuit heritage reminds us that our words and our actions matter. Therefore, in a spirit of solidarity, may we daily commit ourselves to a faith that proclaims and embodies justice: the right relationship with our God, our neighbor and our common home, the earth.
Thomas B. Curran, S.J.