- Begin living now.
- Stop living in the future/past.
- Stop asking to be rescued.
- Stop waiting until and marking time.
- Write a journal of your daily activities, thoughts and moods.
- List your successes.
- Listen to feedback from others.
- Set goals realistically.
- Make friends with people who like themselves.
- Think positively.
- Learn what is and what is not controllable in your life.
- Enjoy leisure.
- Be honest about how you feel.
- Express yourself.
- Meditate daily.
- Read about human growth.
- Pretend you're a perfect parent to yourself.
- Figure out ways to achieve your goals.
- Take a continuing education course.
- Stop collecting people with problems.
- Stop rescuing people.
- Learn to accept what you cannot change.
- Stroke yourself.
- Surface your feelings.
- Practice self-expression.
- Let other people run their own lives.
- Think to solve problems rather than depending on "magical powers."
- Get acquainted with happy, successful people.
- Expect to enjoy your relationships.
- Develop your personal talents.
- Give yourself permission to be afraid of failure and succeed.
- Encourage gentleness in yourself and others.
- Play.
- Face life with dignity.
- See people as individuals.
- Protect yourself from unsafe situations.
- Do something exciting.
- Organize your work, focus on one task at a time.
- Take some time off.
- Go more frequently where you will get what is good for you.
- Practice being alert.
- Listen to the sound of your voice.
- Take a nap.
- Stop letting things drift.
- Make your environment comfortable.
- Take vacations.
- Develop a varied life.
- Experiment with your behaviors.
- Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
- Relax.
- Get enough rest.
- Stop talking about your miseries.
- Stop looking for someone to blame.
- Stop reflecting on things that didn't work out.
- Analyze your issues, figure out what can be done and then take some immediate action.
- Exercise regularly.
- Ask for help in a straightforward way.
- Talk about your strengths.
- Encourage others to feel good.
- Practice good posture.
- Control your food input, eat nutritionally.
- Stop assuming others can't along without you.
- Dress in a way that feels right for you.
- Get involved with friends.
- Share yourself with friends and significant others.
- Stop using self-defeating ways to feel satisfied.
- Stop feeling good only when doing for others.
- Start sharing responsibilities.
- Listen to people.
- Start really caring about people.
- Seek out good friends.
- Compromise occasionally.
- Make decisions.
- Stop being always available for running errands.
- Give people a break.
- Take a chance. . .risk.
- Let go of what is lost.
- Stop being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
- Sing.
- Keep your body clean.
- Get and give a massage.
- Avoid excessive noise.
- Engage in religious activity.
- Redefine your priorities.
- Learn from children.
- Find out what you're good at & enjoy doing it.
- Stop letting people push you around.
- Do something you'd really like to do for yourself.
- Take some steps to straighten out a problem in your life right now.
- Learn to ask for what you want.
- Encourage others to take responsibility for their own welfare.
- Enjoy your sexuality.
- Remember you are grown up.
- Spend time along.
- Redecorate your home.
- Ask for strokes.
- Face painful questions squarely.
- Get a medical checkup.
- Get into loose fitting clothes at home.
- Dance.
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